lunedì 14 novembre 2011

Match moving VFX

Quick example of match moving, a powerful technique that can blends 3d objects and real footage.

Tracking, modelling, lighting, texturing, animation, compositing, color correction and vignetting.

Final result:

Original footage:

Original footage provided by:

domenica 6 novembre 2011

Pi: my new robot animation!

This is Pi!

Pi will be a robot for a science exhibition. He will meet the guests and indicate the choise between different media files.
Modelling, texturing, lighting, rigging, animation and composing entirely made by me.
Hope you like!

Modelling, texturin, lighting, animation, compositing and rendering.

Final animation:

Rig system:

domenica 11 settembre 2011

WIP: Interior scenes, kitchen

Modelling, texturing, lighting and rendering.

WIP: Me 163 Komet

The first roket engine airplane in aviation's history!

Modelling, texturing, rigging, animation, environment and rendering.

WIP: Me 163 Komet's pilot

A pilot for my Komet!
The level of detail is not so high due to the low visibility on the final animation shot.

WIP: Davy Jones

Modelling, sculping, texturing and rendering test again...
And a lot of job still to do again...

WIP: Human head study

Modelling, sculpting, texturing and rendering test.
Still a lot of job to be done...